Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sonar robot (multiple HC-SR04): the components list

Here is the list of the modules, motors etc. that has been used to build the sonar robot. All the material can be easily found in specialized shop or on Ebay for few Euros. Pay attention to the version of the motor shield you have. It has to match the version of the library you have installed.

2x DC Motor 3-6V and their wheels and tyres
1x fixed wheel caster
Motor Shield Adafruit 1438
3x Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 (or similar)
180 points prototype mini-breadboard (or similar)
A bunch of cables (male-female and male-male)
Patafix or blue tack
Bi-adesive velcro stripe
8mm acrylic sheet
...and your friend Arduino!

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