Friday, May 3, 2013

SD card reader

The third add-on I bought was an SD card reader from LC Studios. Here is a picture of this small module.

When I received it, I rushed to take the first SD card I could find: the one in the digital camera of my daughter. :-(

Soon after, I came across some difficulties since there were no instructions on how to use it and how to wire it to the Arduino board. Finally, after some web search, I arrived at this excellent page and… miracle! Everything worked fine.

The secret was in the correct interpretation of the acronyms of the pins in the SD card. Here it is:

+5, 3.3 and GND are clear

CS is also clear (connect it to digital pin 10)
MOSI means digital output (connect it to digital pin 11)
MISO means digital input (connect it to digital pin 12)
SCK means CLK (connect to digital pin 13)

If the serial monitor included in your IDE should write strange meaningless characters then check the baud rate for the serial communication. The one set in the program on the Arduino board and the one on your monitor have to match, of course!

With these settings, the examples given in Arduino IDE worked pretty fine.

Pay attention!
This carder reader can read SD cards only up to 2GB.

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