Just received! A new nice module for Arduino. This an IR remote control module. As usual I rushed to the web page of the seller looking for informations and test programs.
This time informations are terse. It says that I bought a 38KHz IR receiver module. The pin out is as follows
Black wire = GND
Red wire = +5V
Green wire = data
The page points to an IRremote library for Arduino (here). Unfortunately, I didn't succeed to get it working (certainly my bad)!
As usual I went out surfing the web and after a while I got on the excellent tutorial from LadyAda (here). It worked perfectly! Wow!
In next posts I will try do more sophisticated stuff with the remote control, at least decode all the buttons...
PS: The image is not of the remote control I bought, I will fix the image as soon as possible.
As usual I went out surfing the web and after a while I got on the excellent tutorial from LadyAda (here). It worked perfectly! Wow!
In next posts I will try do more sophisticated stuff with the remote control, at least decode all the buttons...
PS: The image is not of the remote control I bought, I will fix the image as soon as possible.
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